Tyler Biggert

Chicken Wings - World's Best Food

If I were to be left stranded on a desert island and could only eat one food for the rest of my life, I would choose chicken wings as my food. This level of love spanned an entire lifetime and has been one of the my few steadfast emotions. Now I wish to spread the news of this wonderful food, and why I believe the chicken wing is indeed the world's best food.


One of the unique things about chicken wings are their versatility. Chicken wings can be flavored an unfathomable amount of ways, and also cooked by any means of the imagination.

First let's explore some of the different flavors that can be added to wings. In the book titled Top Ten Chicken Wing Flavors the number one flavor happened to be super extreme hot. Although this was rated the top flavor, I can only imagine a small portion of the population could handle the heat. In fact I cooked up a batch using the sauce a couple nights ago. My wife took one bite and proclaimed that she was now able to breathe fire like a dragon.

Secondly let's explore some of the different methods that can be used to cook wings. If you want to knock the socks off of your guests, and are willing to get up at then you can dig out a smoke pit in your yard to bake the wings underground. Instead of using fire you can cook wings submerged in H2O using the sous vide method. The most important thing to remember is to just make sure the wings get cooked all the way through so you will not hear any complaining.